
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

About Me, Liam Maloney.

Hello, I'm Liam Maloney and I live in Swords, Co. Dublin. I've known Finn for way too long, since about senior infant.(In 2nd class he broke his arm!) Since then we've been classmates, mates and mates mates. I can safely say that anyone who is in our presence at any given moment will say that we are really weird or think we are gay lovers. Neither of these thoughts are true except for the part that says we're weird.

Just before Christmas, still during my break from school, I picked up my Fender acoustic guitar and thought I'd try to play. I refered to a book and learned five or so chords. This knowledge has grown over time and practice. Anyway, Then Finn received a (brand,model) bass for Santa, who Finn sent a letter to via The Pidgeon Express. I was excited for him and thought that maybe Finn could maybe pull this off.And at the start he seemed to be having fun with his long-necked instument. At first I thought wow, bass is really cool and makes such a wonderful sound! But as my knowledge of the guitar increased and I practiced more my opinion swung drastically. I realised I was a guitar player (squeezable) and now I appreciate the bass player in all of us but I can't be what I'm not. Also the thickness of the bass strings scare me.